Officer Opportunities
YOU can make a difference...
We are so fortunate to be part of a vibrant, successful Delta Gamma alumnae group. DGs across the land are envious of our entertaining programs, rewarding service opportunities, diverse small groups, dynamic leadership, and a wide range of ways to get involved. Of course, it takes strong women to lead a strong group. Are you one of those women? Perhaps you’ve considered raising your hand, but were unsure what might be expected? Maybe you held a position in the past and needed a break? Maybe you’ve been waiting for the kids to grow up, the job to get more manageable, the time to be “perfect?” Well, how about now?
Thank you for keeping the Greater Kansas City alumnae chapter ANCHORED STRONG!
Officer Positions
General Responsibilities: The officers are required to pay their annual local and per capita dues, are expected to attend all general meetings of the alumnae chapter, and report at least monthly to the President or President Elect. All officers maintain a notebook pertaining to their job including a copy of the chapter Bylaws.
Upon installation, each officer takes the following oath, to be administered by the President of the alumnae chapter: "I do solemnly promise to discharge to the best of my ability, with fidelity and promptness and in conformity with the Constitution, Policies and Procedures of Delta Gamma Fraternity and the Bylaws of the Greater Kansas City Alumnae Chapter, the duties of the office to which I have been elected."
Terms: The President Elect serves for one year, followed by one year as President, and one year as Ex-Officio/Nominating Committee Chairman.
The VPs Programming and at-large Nominating Committee members serve for a term of two (2) years.
All other officers are elected for a term of one (1) year, or until their successors have been elected and qualified.
Executive Board: The following officers serve on the chapter’s Executive Board and have general supervision of the affairs of the alumnae chapter, subject to the approval of the alumnae chapter. President, President Elect, Past President (ex-officio), VP Communications, VP Finance, VP Membership, VP Membership Records, VPs Programming, VP Foundation Projects, Recording Secretary and Parliamentarian.
Specific Responsibilities: Each officer performs the duties assigned to her by the alumnae chapter, as stated in the Alumnae Officers Manual* and as outlined below.
President presides at the general meetings and Executive Board meetings, appoint committees (except Nominating Committee), serves as chairperson of the Executive Board, serves on the Finance and Awards Committees, and performs such duties as are usually expected of the executive officer of an organization, for the term of one year. The President at the time of the biennial Fraternity Convention, whenever possible, serves as delegate.
President Elect is elected every year for a term of one year. She assists the President for one year and assumes the role of President the following year. The President Elect serves on several committees: Finance, Nominating, Awards and Foundation Projects. The President Elect also performs the duties of the President in the absence of the President.
Past President serves for one year, immediately following her one-year term as President. She chairs the Nominating Committee, serves on the Finance Committee, and is an ex-officio member of the Executive Board.
VPs Programming is a team of 4 members who each serve a two-year term. Ideally, two positions are elected every year allowing each member to serve alternating two-year terms. The VPs Programming procure meeting places, hostesses, and food committees for our monthly events between September and May. These programs include the Kick-off, Holiday Brunch and Year-end Celebration as well as three or four other monthly events scattered throughout the year. (Other committees, separate from the program team, plan Founders Day and the annual Foundation project.)
VP Membership is in charge of maintaining or increasing membership. She performs the duties of the President in the absence of the President and President Elect. The VP Membership serves on the Board and Finance Committee, and chairs the Membership committee to recruit and retain alumnae chapter members. She is responsible for all functions relating to new members. She and/or her committee contact all Delta Gamma Fraternity alumnae members who move into the area. She works with the VP Membership Records to maintain a current membership directory.
VP Membership Records with the assistance of a contact committee is responsible for ensuring that contact is made with the entire membership once each year in order to update the membership directory. She uses the e-Ops+ program or other programs deemed appropriate by either Delta Gamma Fraternity or the Board to adjust membership records. She compiles the information for the annual membership directory (distributed in September) and arranges for its publication. She serves on the Membership Committee.
VP Foundation Projects serves as Foundation Projects Chairperson and is responsible for directing the Foundation fundraising project(s), which are voted upon by the alumnae chapter. Projects benefit the Children's Center for the Visually Impaired, Alphapointe, and other organizations that provide services to the visually impaired. She appoints her own committee. Disbursement of the fundraising funds are discussed and voted on by the Board.
VP Finance prepares an annual budget with finance committee for approval by the members in good standing. The VP Finance collects all funds of the alumnae chapter and pays all bills with the oral or written approval of the President, in accordance with the approved annual budget. Any expenses in excess of the approved budget requires a budget amendment approved by the members in good standing. She prepares the alumnae chapter's financial statements and files the alumnae chapter's income tax return. She sends to Executive Offices such fees as are required by the Fraternity Constitution and pays all financial obligations of the local Panhellenic Association. She sends a dues notice to the entire membership in the fall and a second reminder notice in the winter. She serve as chairperson of the Finance Committee. She collects money and dues at each meeting. She provides the President, VP Membership, VP Membership Records and VP Communications with a list of the dues paying members.
VP Finance/Foundation Projects assists the VP Finance in the performance of her duties and is in charge of the Foundation Projects monies. She works with the VP Foundation Projects in the preparation of a budget for the Foundation project(s). She collects and disburses the Foundation project funds as decided upon by the Board. She serves on the Finance and Foundation Projects Committees.
VP Communications is responsible for mailing and emailing the newsletters and meeting notices, as well as maintaining the alumnae chapter's social media.
Recording Secretary records the minutes of the general alumnae chapter meetings and of the Board meetings. She is responsible for adding all approved general, Executive Board and Board meeting minutes to e-Ops+. She is the keeper of all the printed bylaws, past and present.
Corresponding Secretary conducts alumnae chapter correspondence. She serves on the Membership Committee.
Panhellenic Representative and Panhellenic Alternate attends the regularly scheduled meetings of the Greater Kansas City Panhellenic Association and reports to the alumnae chapter. They are responsible for notification to the membership of open Panhellenic Association meetings and events. They notify the VP Finance of the scholarship fund donation and annual dues requests.
City Sponsorship Chairpersons (KS and MO) is responsible for tracking and processing all requested and voluntary sponsorship forms distributed by the chapter. She is responsible for any recruitment activity connected with Panhellenic. She is responsible for reporting all sponsorship activity on e-Ops+ by deadlines provided from the e-Ops+ Coordinator. She is encouraged to reach out to the alumnae membership or appoint a committee to ascertain potential candidates for membership. One chairperson focuses on graduates of high schools in KANSAS, and the other focuses on graduates of high schools in MISSOURI.
ANCHORA Correspondent prepares and sends to the ANCHORA editor a report of alumnae chapter activities according to the timetable established by the editor.
Children's Center for the Visually Impaired Representative attends CCVI Board of Directors meetings and CCVI events and acts as a liaison between the CCVI Board of Directors and the alumnae chapter.
Friends of the CCVI Representative attends Friends of CCVI meetings and Friends of CCVI events and acts as a liaison between the Friends of CCVI and the alumnae chapter.
Alphapointe Representative attends general meetings of Alphapointe and acts as a liaison between Alphapointe and the alumnae chapter.
Founders Day Chairperson(s) is responsible for all plans pertaining to the celebration of this event, typically held in March. She consults with the VP Finance regarding a budget for this event.
Parliamentarian ensures that the meetings are conducted according to General Henry M. Robert.
Awards Chairperson: Local Awards solicits nominees for local awards. Serves on the Awards Committee which identifies the recipients of each award. Oversees the presentation of the awards which may be at Founders Day or another monthly programming event.
Awards Chairperson: Fraternity Awards is responsible for submitting applications for all nominees for Fraternity awards. These awards are given to the recipients at Founders Day whenever possible. She serves on the Awards Committee.
Historian maintains the alumnae chapter archives, including, but not limited to a file of clippings and pictures of interest to the alumnae chapter. She serves on the Awards and Membership Committees.
Collumnae Chairperson: Mu is responsible for planning any activities involving Mu collegians. She keeps the alumnae chapter advised of any activities at the collegiate level which could involve alumnae members. She acts as a liaison between the Mu collegians, new Mu graduates and the alumnae chapter. She serves on the Membership Committee.
Collumnae Chairperson: Beta Kappa is responsible for planning any activities involving Beta Kappa collegians. She keeps the alumnae chapter advised of any activities at the collegiate level which could involve alumnae members. She acts as a liaison between the Beta Kappa collegians, new Beta Kappa graduates and the alumnae chapter. She serves on the Membership Committee.
Newsletter Editor is responsible for collecting alumnae chapter information throughout the year. She assembles the newsletter articles into a print-ready format and delivers to the printer for printing and the Webmaster for posting on the website. She produces at least two newsletters a year.
Webmaster is responsible for posting information on the website, keeping the information current and facilitating electronic commerce on the website.
Anchorbase Coordinator ensure our chapter records are maintained on the Anchorbase platform and ensure the chapter meets all Anchorbase deadlines as mandated by the Fraternity.
Photography Coordinator oversees the committee that photographically documents alumnae chapter gatherings or events involving alumnae chapter members. The Coordinator works with the ANCHORA Correspondent to submit photographs upon request.
Nominating Committee Representative (3 openings) recruits members to serve as officers. The bulk of this position occurs in January and February as the slate is submitted to the chapter in March. Representatives serve for two staggered years. So two officers are elected each year.
* The Alumnae Officers Manual may be found by logging into your account on and searching for the manual in the Library or use this direct link:
Will you consider sharing your talents with our chapter? Nominating committee wants to know! We have many jobs from small to large. If you like what you are doing, want to do something different or if you are ready to be part of our dynamic leadership team please contact us -! This is your chance to connect with other Delta Gamma sisters to make an impact on the future of our organization. If you would like to nominate someone or learn more about any of these positions, please contact the Nominating Committee at